matlamat hidop!

sume org de mtlmt hdup kan.. plg2 basic pn..ade yg nk kayo ryo, ade yg mtlmt die nk kahwin n bhgia smpai ank cucu.. de org plak cume nk tenang jiwa raga spnjg pjlnn hdup dia kt muka bumi ni..

utk ak lak.. ak de mcm2 mtlmt dlm hdup ni.. di antaranya adalah::::::

  1. nk blja ckp cina..rugi woo klu xpndai...byk advantage sng nk ckp. pstu ne tau nnti de rezeki ke beijing ke..xde la kne kencing ngn org2 kt sne tme shopping.ehhe.. berangan nk ke beijing.mtlmt ak dlm staun ak dh ley buat basic conversation dlm mndarin. sspe yg nk jdi tutor pn dialu2alukan.
  2. ha.. nk bljr berenang! hehe...di antara org2 yg ak respek ialah org mlyu yg pndai ckp cina n org yg pndai berenang... agak2 kalau ak terjun berani mati je kt celah air yg dlm otomatik ley pndai x.
  3. nk amek lesen keta..haha...korg msti rse ape mende la dia ni..nk bljr bwk kete pn jdi matlamat.. ak bukn ape.. kesian..klu klua asyk2 boyfie ak yg drive.. bile dh de lesen ley la bls jasa die ye x ye.. pstu ble lik umh ley la jd drebar mak bapak jap.
  4. mtlmt ak strosnye adlh utk xyah byr ptptn.. care die..maintain pngk la..byk woo kne byr lik..xsnggup ak..klu 10 taun kje pn xabes kot.lebey2 lg yg mkn gaji.
  5. mtlmt ke 5. jom bukak bisnes! tp xtau lg nk wt pe mnde.. sbb ak yakin cara yg ley kaya ni je la... bukn makan gaji..
  6. sprti org len..nk bhgia dunia akhirat.. ak nk pasangan yg setia dan btol2 menyayangi aku. bukn sng nk jumpe org yg btol2 syg kan...huhu... pstu bila hidup dah stabil nk kawen dpt bb comel2.. geram ak tgk anak org kiut2..

tulah dia matlamat hdop ak utk msa skrg.. korang pn sudah tentu de mtlmt korg msing2 kan.. so marilah kita bersama2 berusaha mencapai impian; mcm kempen plak dah.hehe.. ak doakan korang berjaya dlm hdup,,korang doakan ak gak ye..sama2 doa...

-our life is in our hand, with the blessing of God-


bila hampir semua org xbley dprcayai

bila hampir semua org xbley dipercayai; dlm konteks alam pekerjaan..

bla dah msuk soal duit, hmpir suma org xbley diprcyai dh.nk ckp soal teamwork pn xdak dh sbb masing2 pkir poket sndri yg perlu diisi dlu..

dari segi management;
bos dok hangin ja stu bdn, asyk carik kesilapan pekerja dan dok menggatal je.pdhal dia sbnrnya just nk tunjuk dia yg ada kuasa incharge kt promotion booth tu.

pekerja yg len plak dok melaga2 antara stu sama lain. dpn ckp baik, blkg ckp kutuk.. kalau dh kerja mcm ni tensen if duit msuk pn tarak guna.

dgn xde mase rht yg ttp dari kol 1030 smpai 930 mlm n cuma 2 hari sebln cuti robot pn bley rosak apatah lagi manusia.. if hari2 tensen alamat wayar pn ley jdi longgar nk ptus. bukannya keja basic salary (hnya bergntung komisen je) tp terikat gle smpai nk kesurau pn kna gtau pcik tua tu. kerja yg mmg xdak life.

bru ku tau mmg susah bila dh kerja dlm sales.. tp kalu sehari ley dpt 100 ptt ke ak truskan or just carik je kja lain yg maybe ley buat ak lgi hepi..??

maaf. ak cuma marah campur geram campur xpuas hati sbb xnmpk mne silap kteorg. tp mak pn dh pesan yng sememangnya dlm alam pekerjaan ni org suka menjtuhkan dn menganiaya org len..

pkir pnya pkir kalau perangai bos tu xberubah mmg org xkn lekat buat kerja kt ctu. n kejayaan tu x kekal..

klu stu masa nnti ditakdirkn ak murah rezeki ak plak yg pgg title bos, ak xnk jd kejam n buat org rsa truk.. bru la ley jln organization tu.

pa2 pn hidup perlu diteruskan dn mende tu dh jadi fasa yg berlalu pergi dh. psni kalu ak kuat smgt nk keja tu lg pn ak just nk trun 2 3 hari n kaut byk2 komisen..  dan yg penting byk bnda yg ak blaja utk hdup dn karier ak pd masa hdpn.. contoh kita perlu bersedia if de org yg ske maen tikam blkg..

utk tmpoh keja yg cuma sbntr ni ak gak brsykur sbb de kekasih yg setia support ak dari kerosakan mental dgn sntiasa ada bila ak perlukan dia. xlupa gak kwn ak, if xda dia ley jtuh gak smgt ak..

krisis2 cmni wat kita teringt balik yg duit sntiasa ley dicari, rezeki ada kt mana2 sbb kerja kosong de kt mna2 tp org yg kita syg dan syg kita balik xley dibeli ngn wang ringgit...

*in the hardest times that I faced, u stay faithful by my side, supporting me, lifting up my spirits wen i break down.. thus, I said to myself, for me to deserve such a wonderful person alike u, I promise that I will do the same for u; to not betray your trust and love, and to support u through hardness and sickness.. because u knew deep in your heart dt I care deeply for u and dt I pray for your success and happiness.. all of these just because we loves each other that I am willing to fight anything for a better future for us*

alas.... tc suma... smoga sukses dlm karier korg, dlm percintaan korg n yg pnting dlm hdup korg


Cuti..! Apa yg Perlu

Perasan x bila cuti, xkira cuti panjang or cuti pendek ada bbrapa perkara yg perlu kita buat.. nk ckp perlu x gakla tp dlm separuh sedar tu kita just buat benda2 tu..

1. Tengok tv> tgk mcm dh lame gle xtgk.. bley plak shari tu dduk je dpn tv konon nk catch up pe yg baru. ne tau de iklan baru ke, drama baru ke, sume lyn je.

2. Dok makan, tdo> Mentang2 mak yg prepare mknn mcm senang je idup kan. bgn2 bley trus mkn. pstu ble ptg dh bosan, nap a kejap..kejap ke kalu 2,3 jm. huhu.case ak len la sbb parents sibuk keja so nk mkn pn pepandai sndri2 lah.

3. Men game> Time ni la nk set up best score, nk lyn prasaan mcm kecik2 dlu2..maen la console tu smpai bosan...hehe.ak pun buat benda yg sma pe.

4. General cleaning stu rumah/ bilik> Ni bila berubah angin. dh xtau pe nak wat n mak dh start bising asyek melepak je kt umah so time ni la nk tnjuk rjin, spu lantai stu rumah, mop stu rumah dn mcm2 lg la..

5. Pe lg, klua la> ye la kn.. time cuti la guys ni nk melepak, x ke wyg, ke bowling, xpun ke mamak, xpun cuma melepak maen kad. tp rsanya ni kalau x cuti pn dorg wat. hehe. prmpuan lak, klua tgk brg la, kalau x mmpu nk beli window shopping je la kn.

6. G cuti2 msia> luar negara ke, dlm negara ke, dlm negeri, kt tmn perumahan, mne2 la... dh nme pn cuti kn. kne la prgi brcuti. Plg2 pn org Msia ni ske ke tnh tinggi; cameron, genting ke pulau; langkawi, tioman...etc........

7. G dating> time ni bru nmpk indahnye kalu de partner, dh bosan kua ngn member or dok rumah, kua ngn partner la kan. ade org syg2. huhu.... tp kne ingt la xkn sbb bosan bruk nk carik kot, mmg xbley pkai la, if syg xdenye cmtu. sbnrnya partner sntiasa de ngn kita, time bosan, time gmbira, time mrh, so hargailah psgn anda yg skrg.

8. Carik keja temporary> sbb xde pe nk wat, ni je la solution die kot..

-pe2 pun de mase cuti mmg best, sbb mcm free je, tp ble dh lame sgt xde purpose, ley jd x best gak-

The 3 Things..

These are the three things that I would not want to have in my life..

The 1st is loneliness.. i don wan to end up just doing things alone or being an old lady alone waiting 2 die.

The 2nd is sadness... if u understand how feeling sad feels like then u will treat people better..

The 3rd is frustration/despair slash love betrayal.. dis one u phm2 sndri la.

& Im confident that other normal human feels the same too..n they would not want other things too such as poverty...

tp duit sntiasa boleh dicari berbeza dgn perasaan cinta dan sayang..


Meeting Someone is Destiny

I believed that when we meet someone important in our life, it is destiny and somehow thoughts like; if i don wen to uni msia klntn i wouldnt met my boyfie reminds me that there is meaning in every little thing of life.

If i din meet him things wouldnt change much 4 the both of us. Im glad and thankful for this feeling of love. I might meet with someone more awful., i just wouldnt know.

However what I will be talking about here is not about meeting someone.hehe. It is about before I will b able to publish new posts due to the broken laptop screen (tq boyfie 4 lending me urs 4 a while) Im just going to write the updates of whats happening in my life.

1st the UMKians have all finished their final exams so everyone seems to be berpusu2 balik at rumah except for certain ppl that still lingers around here, which includes me. Some of them got program, GREAT for the grads, some got training but as for me, im stuck here until I determined my destination of life 4 d next few months.

Rumah x lari jadi masa yg terbaik untuk balik rumah is hari raya. For me, being 2 weeks back at home should be enough rather than 4 months. Getting around smnnjg wil b easier for me so im determined to find a job here. Then, im still searching for jobs, sending my resume to various hotel, calling them just to face with disappointment but its not much. dh lali i think. Even to get a temporary position is hard so it scares me when I want to find one after graduating.

Other than that the life here remains the same its just that we dont have classes anymore except that for this month and the past month, i.ve been to various places; Lost World of Tambun Ipoh, Penang.. how many times d i should thank my boyfie 4 making those to happen... and finally to Kuala Terengganu with my gurlfrens...

So wat do I think will happen next, now I cn see the path and destination for the next months, since Im staying illegally at the hostel dh.hehe. n kak ma might saw me again after she halau me from the rum,  I figured that I would just move out next week.

Alas, I also wish that the holiday will be awesome for u guys too. Happy Holiday. N for those who are seeking jobs too... Happy Jobing (serious english error).......happy...happylah~~~

-apa2 pun sentiasa ingat orang yg tersayang-


Like a flower petal withering away
The encounter with you was like a dream
Being in love, getting into fights
We conquered over many walls together
Even after I'm reborn, I shall be a flower
Close to you
Even if I'm reborn, I want to meet you again

If everything is going to fade one day
We should appreciate each other more
That time, that place, when that miracle occured
It will bring about another miracle

Becoming stronger by loving one
Overcoming things by believing in one
The things you left are still in my heart
See, without ever losing its shine
I feel blessed
For meeting you
For bringing back my smile
I continue to walk holding close to this emotion of
"Thank you"

Like a flower petal withering away
Let us accept everything in this world
The things you left me
The treasure of reality I call "Now"
That's why I shall live to my fullest and become a flower
Why do flowers wilt
Why do birds fly
Why does the wind blow
Why does the moon shine above
Why am I here
Why are you here
Why did I meet you
Meeting you, that was destiny
A rainbow casts
A light shall be born upon a storm
There's an unyielding important thing here
I've realized what it means "to love"
You can still walk can't you?
You can see it already
"Emotions" will cross time
And shall ring into eternity
Your happiness Your pain Your everything
Now, Bloom with pride More, more, and more....

My love for you is for eternity.

-see the beauty in the words-

The List that Defines Cheating

How do you define cheating?
  • Kissing another person or more
  • Holding hands
  • Dancing too close
  • Frequent chatting online
  • Flirting
  • Spending time with another person, outside of work
  • Buying gifts
  • Exchanging private e-mails
  • Writing letters/email/msgs of flirt
  • Phone or cyber sextalk
  • Exchanging photos
  • Developing a crush
  • Sharing feelings
  • Discussing their relationship
  • Denying a relationship you are involved in
Actually there is no exact definition of cheating. It is just that when u in one relationship if u doing anything with the opposite sex other than ur gf/bf that made u feel guilty or neglected them then u will know yourself that ur in the verge of cheating.

After that the norm is that the denial starts..however your partner will be able to differentiate whether the flings threatens them or not. The denial is flirting is not harmless but in fact it does harm people. So if u r really friends with the opposite sex treat your friend the way they suppose to be and not somewhere near intimate,

So many things can lead to cheating thus ruining the current relationship. Before doing anything similar and in accordance to the ones above think about the person that u might hurt real bad...It is just that if u truly love them u wont hurt them..

I have my bad part too and i.ve learnt and would not go somewhere near that would hurt him and both of us anymore.
-karma revolves-