then and now.i always like.LOVE. console games.
i still remember d first game dt my big brother introduced to was re2. i remember wtching him playing till finish and it is d start where he instill dos fears of zombies in me. i was quite young being 12 and he played dt game in pc. it was not until im 15 wen he bought his first ps2 unlike 2day households where getting a ps2 or ps3 is easy enough.
d memory dt is still intact in my mind is wen we, me and my little brother watched him played during d fasting month.he will play till sahur time and after dat, den we get to sleep.a really nice feeling of closeness.after dat he always chases me around playing zombie n i will just scream and ran around d house till my mom start to bising2.even now wen i get back home, he sometimes still do dat, knowing dt im afraid of zombies. somehow i misses him.and now dat he.s married and is expecting a baby i feel like i kind of losing him.time passes by real fast..
resident evil for me is the coolest game ever. ever since he played resident evil two. my siblings has been loyal enough to keep playing d next series of re.they played re3, coplay re4 and re5. But my favourite of all is re 4. the story line is not boring and short like re5. arent leon plus ada is just cool.hehe..
after dat first exposure to console games of re. i started to play along too. and like most girls i played final fantasy x and d series aftr dat wich i cannot keep track since there r too many dat time people jst love final fantasy n i tink most ppl knew who is yuna or tidus is.. n have u guys heard of fatal frame 2.? or fatal frame 3? seriously.dos games r freaking scary compared to other ghost games. its a classic yet a succesful horror man made game.! my bro also scream wen a gost sudenly appeared from a box.haha.
now..we don have dt ps2 nmore since d console had broke down n we only have xbox in d house.but whenever im back home.i will try to keep track of d games. its just feel weird if i havent play any games at all for a long time. now.. my siblings favourite is guitar hero world tour, most of d times i sing, litle bro play guitar and big bro take over d drum set. wen my cousins come around d house too..we will have our own consert.hehe............and not to forget to other favourite is ddr or wat u call dance2 revolution. some ppl said dt d game suck but 4 me its fun enough to move, n not all ppl have d legs. pkir snang ke wan to dance at d dance mat..
haha..dats chilhood passion..dat i keep till now. even reminscing about dos days made me feel,they produce more nicer game like dat god of war.prince of persia.damn.there is a lot of nice game out there.
guys,i just wish umk has those console game services dat we can play even left for dead together..hehe.
adios.!thnks 4 reading fellas.
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